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  • Writer's pictureJonathan Sindler

Challenge ACCEPTED!

Last night, I was challenged to make adult versions of kid food. So first up - ADULT POP TARTS! (More specifically, Peach Ginger Bourbon Pop Tarts with Ginger Glaze! So how did this come about? Read on to find out, plus I'll tell you about my other creation - Adult Grilled Cheese!

Our monthly music department dinner is one of my favorite events of the month. The company, the food, the drinks, the laughter, and the games....always makes for the perfect evening. We always have a different food theme and everyone contributes a dish or two. This month's theme/food challenge - ADULT VERSIONS OF OUR FAVORITE KID FOOD!

Two things I ate frequently as a child (and maybe still do?) are GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICHES and POP TARTS. So first up, I made the homemade adult pop tarts by taking store bought pie dough which I rolled out and cut into squares.

Then I made the filling. I took store bought diced peach cups and their liquid which I added to a sauce pan with some brown sugar, ginger, and a few tablespoons of good bourbon. I let it simmer away and then mashed it a bit until it was the perfect consistency.

After it cooled, I spread it in the center of the squares, added the top layer, sealed with egg wash, crimped the edges with a fork, poke a few ventilation holes, and into the oven for 18 minutes.

Once they came out and cooled a bit, I added the glaze which is just powdered sugar, heavy cream, ginger juice, and some gold sugar sprinkles. I can't even tell you how good these are! And SO easy to make! I can't wait to experiment with more flavors soon!

Then it was time to make the adult grilled cheese. So how do you turn simple grilled cheese into an adult version? Well first off, I made a homemade garlic herb goat cheese which is simply goat cheese with chopped rosemary, parsley, thyme, garlic, grated parmesan cheese, salt, and pepper.

I then spread it on the inside of both slices of bread, topped with some balsamic french onions (click the link to see an earlier post on how I made these), smoked gouda, and finally some candied bacon. What adult wouldn't want that??? And as if that wasn't good enough, I added a runny egg on top. These went FAST! You can probably see for yourself just why!

And of course, we needed an adult beverage so here is my adult lemonade!

This morning, I threw together an amazing country omelet using some of the leftover ingredients from last night. Perfect way to start the day!

Have a great Sunday!

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