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  • Writer's pictureJonathan Sindler

Jumping in the time machine.....back to the 1950's!

Our dear friend Stephanie was finally able to come for a visit last night (after years of trying to plan) so of course I insisted on making dinner for her arrival. I asked if she had any food preferences/aversions and her response was, "Nothing fancy.....just think 1950's diner food." I had the entire menu planned within 5 minutes and it made for a very nostalgic evening!

We started with New York Egg Creams and I finally got to use my new metal straws.

Nearly every time I eat in a diner, I order good old fashioned Chicken and Rice Soup. I made a big pot the night before because this is one soup that is always better the next day.

And naturally for the main course, Patty Melts with Fries and Homemade Beef Gravy.

Isn't is against the law to go to a diner and not order pie for dessert? Well this was my first attempt at making a Lemon Merengue Pie and it was so outrageously good! I assure you it will not be the last!

Back to 2022 for breakfast the next morning and I can't wait to share that menu with you how that turned out!

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